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How do I keep up to date with any changes?
Please note that this is a work in progress, I add resources every week or as often as I find resources.

Remember to check back in regularly to get any updates. Or, you can watch or ⭐ star the repo to get notified automatically for any changes or new additions.

I’ve spotted a mistake or would like to contribute
Please open a new issue. Better yet, please fork the repo and submit an upstream pull request. I’m very grateful for any contributions, but may be slow to respond (trying to get a doctorate done). I try my best to assign the resources in the categories I have listed but sometimes they are ambiguous. If I have time I put them in both categories but I usually don’t. If you think something really doesn’t belong in a certain category or the information is wrong such as authors names, summaries, or even links, just open an issue.

Why are you doing this?
I struggled a lot getting resources to learn how to code. I started with python which I love but it wasn’t until I found the R community that I felt welcomed. I really admire all the people that make these resources available for anyone to learn and teach this language. I used to collect all the available resources and bookmarked them or emailed them to myself but I figure hundred of people do this as well so just wanted to help.

What can you do to thank me?
This is a weird thing that someone asked me. I just would really appreciate it if you share it with your peers and especially BIPOC young people who otherwise cannot afford expensive courses to learn this skill.
If you would like to do something else you can Buy me a coffeeBuy me a Coffee or Venmo me at @JoscelinRocha